Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Be the Change" Community Service Event

The Be the Change event was great! The sisters that came were Myself, Michelle Shaft, Jessie Cohen, Deepa Patel, and Elise Krogman. It started off with sign ups and two speeches in the quad. We then split in to our groups and got free Dunkin Donuts bagels (so good!) Our group was assigned 34th street and so we pretty much got to cleaned up our own Greek Row mess. It was a good time. We had gloves, brooms, and brown paper garbage bags. We picked up so much garbage we had to call another group over to use their bag to keep on cleaning. It was a hot day and at the end of our cleaning adventure it started to rain lightly which was nice and cooling. Over all we felt proud that we cleaned up the street and would all do it again next year.

- Courtney Furman, Nu Class