Sunday, November 29, 2009

Pike Hayride

Our first attempt at the PIKE hayride was a bust due to lovely mother nature. Thanks to our wonderful social chair, Lindsey Barker, we managed to reschedule and squeeze it in the night before Halloween. Needless to say, we all had a spooktacular time!

Everyone met up in between the houses to distribute directions and of course, watch the PIKES play catch for a bit (whats new?) After a traffic laden ride and a possible pit stop to the mall for others (hehe), we finally made it to The Bates Motel. We were a bit worried when we saw the long lines, but of course our baller status put us on the fast track right to the front of the line and on our hay-filled wagon.

It was a tight squeeze packing us all in there, but I don't think any of us were complaining too much about getting cozy with the guys. We rode along with the undead popping out of every nook and cranny, trying their best to get a scream out of us. Some of them climbed up on our deadly chariot and I think I heard that one of them even licked Rachel T's face?!?! Despite all the screams and having to dig hay out of our pants when it was all over, everyone had a blast! I'm already excited for next year's PIKE hayride!
--Jess Klementzos, Kappa Class

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

PHC Powderpuff Champions

For the first time in DPhiE's recent history, we conquered the title of Powderpuff Champions! As documented in previous entries, the season started off relatively easily, but the championship game was no cake-walk. To add to the drama that is PHC sports, the game went into overtime after a scoreless two halves.

With DPhiE granted first possession of overtime, quarterback Elise Krogman threw the ball into the endzone right to the hands of Curly Kate Montgomery for a touchdown. Naturally, the deephers went for an extra point, and our other QB Jess Klementzos plowed through the Mu's to gain it.
Phi Mu then got their chance to try and score against us. But, like the rest of our sports, Deepher Defense was a force to be reckoned with. The unicorns held the lions for a 7-0 victory. In case you're keeping track, that's one notch on our path to the PHC Athletic cup for 2009. Stay tuned for more victory reports to come!

A Night to Remember- Cystic Fibrosis Masquerade

Who doesn’t love doing community service on a Friday night?! On Friday October 23rd a handful of our sisters, led by Jess Kane, our community service chair, volunteered at the Masquerade Ball on the Moshulu Restaurant which benefited our national philanthropy, The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. An hour before we were supposed to leave, an older sister had all the volunteering sisters over her apartment to eat cookies and help each other look good for the first taste of Halloween this year. In her purple wig and poufy tutu, Lauren Mukalian took over painting beautiful swirling designs on her sisters’ faces, while Ali Pasquarello helped me stick jewels all around the right side of my face! Finally, decked out in crazy wigs, striped socks, and cat ears, we were ready for our drive down to Penn’s landing. Even though we were so happy just to go and volunteer, we had never expected to have just as much fun as all the guest there! Some sisters worked their salesmen skills by selling raffles to amazing donated baskets, such as flyers tickets, gym memberships, and even a Wii! Meanwhile, Kate Montgomery and I worked our own magic on the wine toss table, where guests paid to toss rings onto wine bottles and if they won, they would take the bottle home with them. Fortunately for us, this ring toss was not rigged like the one at carnivals and we ended up giving away every bottle donated! One guest, dressed as a milkmaid and accompanied by his wife the cow, played so much he won six bottles!
The night was filled with dancing guests, wonderful food, and even a costume contest. We all had so much fun meeting people, bonding with our sisters, and helping out a great cause that is so near to Delta Phi Epsilon. We left the event at 2 am with nothing but smiles on our faces and laughter in the air and with eager wishes of repeating the same event next year!
--Sim Jalon, Nu Class

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fitzy's Run

Sunday, October 25 2009

Fitzy’s Run, the Halloween 5K Run/Walk, was a truly amazing event. Lauren Fitzgerald, a Delta Phi Epsilon sister, lost her battle with a brain tumor in July 2005, at the age of twenty. I was unable to attend Fitzy’s Run last year so I was excited to get the opportunity to go this year. Impressed by the large turnout of girls, I rounded with a few other girls for the ride to Reading, PA. When we arrived at the event everyone was walking around trying to get warm and eating the delicious breakfast provided for everyone! Lauren’s big sister and an alumna Julie Herman, introduced us to a husband and wife. They told us their incredible story about how Lauren saved their lives by donating her organs. Lauren donated her heart, lungs, kidney, and liver. Hearing their stories made everyone appreciate life so much more!

Soon after we took pictures with the couple, everyone stood on the sidelines to get ready to cheer on all the women and men, teenagers, and fellow sisters running the 5K. There was also a ‘fun-run’ going on for people who wanted to run a mile. After an hour, everyone had finished completely so we all helped ourselves to the delicious lunch provided. I chatted with some of the girls who ran and I decided that I wanted to run the next 5K! I was especially impressed with one of our new members, Noy Reuveni, who won a medal!

Typically when people hear “community service” they don’t think fun. However, after being in Delta Phi Epsilon for about a year, I think we have such great events which is why so many girls come out. It’s so much fun bonding with sisters while helping out the community; you don’t realize how much it means to some!

--Sarah Diab, Nu Class

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bid Day 2009!

Bid Day 2009 was one of the most incredible Bid Days I've witnessed in my years in DPhiE. As a senior, I was getting nervous for 2009 recruitment, knowing the new class would be the next step in the future of the Delta Epsilon chapter. I had beein studying abroad during the previous Fall Recruitment, so this year's was filled with mixed emotions knowing it would be my last one. Despite the grey, rainy morning, the day went extraordinarily well. Recruitment was long and exciting, and the hard work put in by the entire chapter was proved to thoroughly be worth it as DPhiE welcome the 29 deep Xi class. Not only is this the such a large class, but we set the bar for recruitment this year (Great job Wetzel, Jess K and Candice!!).
For the first time, I was able to join the exclusive group (usually held for seniors) to go down to the Creese Center to watch as the Rho Chis reveal their letters and girls open their bids for the first time. I recalled back when I first sat there, holding that masked bid in my hand anxiously looking around at who held similarly shaped envelopes and what our future held. To be on the other end for the first time to see girls screaming and jumping and balling their eyes out, rekindled just how excited I felt to know I too had once been chosen to be a member of this incredible group of women. 28 beautiful women (unfortunately one Xi could not make bid day) excitedly ran towards our chapter, crying and hugging, and exclaiming their joy, and the feeling of sisterhood among these women could be felt instantaneously.
As the Xis entered our home, their home, everything felt right. All of our hard work had paid off. Pam, finally returned to her chapter, continued the traditional comedy as she introduced the lovely ladies to their chapter...and of course there were more tears (a new traditional for Kate maybe?). Later in the evening portion of Bid Day, we took a trip that few expected, nor knew what to think. We were going roller skating, rented the whole jawn out and everything. Thanks to requests such as "7th grade Luda" the roller rink became a haven of nostalgia. Although there were a few brusies and bumps, too many falls to count, and even an injured wrist, this one was Bid Day that will certainly never be forgotten. We rocked recruitment this year, DPhiE's on it ladies.
A few years back, we thought they "didn't make em like [us] anymore," well the Xis proved us wrong, with an amazing group 29 deep. Holler Deephers.
Mad Love

--Jessie Cohen, Eta Class

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bid Day Roller Skating!

Saturday afternoon and our newest DPhiE's arrived! Sisters and New Members came back to the house around 6:30 pm for pizza, bonding, and an AMAZING purple cake made by the lovely Roxy Rusek. We watched the blooper reel from our recruitment video and our winning stroll and talent show performances from Greek Week 2009 (obviously the girls were wowed and can't wait for GW' About 9 pm everyone packed into cars and we made our way to CNN Skate rink in PA... most of us made it there without a hitch.. other cars ended up in Delaware???!! (everyone made it one piece, eventually).
Skating was a huge hit... literally... Ellie Woodward skated so hard she smacked into a wall (no, we don't have photographic evidence, but oh do we wish we did!) Imagine a typical 10-year old roller-skating birthday party...with 20-year old party guests. We did the chicken dance, we played skating games, and even jammed to Miley Cyrus and other teeny-bopper tunes. Visits from alumna Nicole Murray and Dineen Williams made the night even more special. New Member period for the Xis "rolled" off to a great start!

More Photos on the Website...

-Pamela Lowy, Kappa Class

Making cookies for recruitment

The amazing cookies from recruitment were made by Marissa and her minion…. I mean sisters. Lol I had the best time making those cookies! Seriously! Even tho I was only there for the second day of cookie making. When I got there Susanna, Noelle, and Meagan C were rolling the dough and pressing the cookie cutters into it. They would then pass them over the Marissa’s friend who was putting them in the oven. I felt like I was in a little bakery. On the other side of the room were Candice and Marissa preparing the icing. Eventually Simone came over to help out. With Dave Mattews playing in the background we laughed, baked cookies, painted on the colorful icing, ate some dough along the way, and had some good sisterly bonding.

-Courtney Furman, Nu Class

"Be the Change" Community Service Event

The Be the Change event was great! The sisters that came were Myself, Michelle Shaft, Jessie Cohen, Deepa Patel, and Elise Krogman. It started off with sign ups and two speeches in the quad. We then split in to our groups and got free Dunkin Donuts bagels (so good!) Our group was assigned 34th street and so we pretty much got to cleaned up our own Greek Row mess. It was a good time. We had gloves, brooms, and brown paper garbage bags. We picked up so much garbage we had to call another group over to use their bag to keep on cleaning. It was a hot day and at the end of our cleaning adventure it started to rain lightly which was nice and cooling. Over all we felt proud that we cleaned up the street and would all do it again next year.

- Courtney Furman, Nu Class

Monday, September 28, 2009

The House is a Home!

Saturday, September 19th, 2009 came and went so fast. The significance of this date one may ask; move-in for the Deephers of 212 N. 34th Street! One by one the house got more crowded with girls, family members, bedding, clothing, and other random possessions the girls’ own. However some of the girls had moved in prior to this date to help with freshmen move in. A couple of other girls, including myself, made some trips during the week to drop things off to make that particular Saturday run a little smoother.

As girls walked into the barren rooms that day, their minds overflowed with ideas to make the DPhiE house their new home! Common emotions felt that day were excitement, nervousness, and anticipation of what the year is going to bring. We are hoping for a safe year but filled with fun moments shared with sisters.

--Lindsey Figliolino, Nu Class